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#1 Posted : Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:32:34 PM(UTC)

Joined: 8/31/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1
First off i'd like to start this post by saying thank you to Steve for the effort he put in trying to resolve this issus with what is frankly an uncommunacative and uncooperative casino who were more than happy to sink to the level of out right lies to try and discredit me and validate their theft of my funds. There are a few things i would like to add to the report (which can be found here http://www.gamblinggrumb...-fraud-or-a-simple-error).

On Monday i contacted Lynn the manager at iNetBet to discuss all of the inaccuracies (hint: that means flat out lies) that she had included in her report to Steve, assuming this was poor communication between her and her staff. As she failed to respond firstly to Steve and then to myself, i have no choice left but to assume that she is well aware of these disception and does not wish to set the record straight. As such i am going to include the email i sent her on monday below including all of the proof that i forwarded to Lynn that the accusations that she was making were false. As i'm publicising personal documents, i have had to remove more information than i did when forwarding them to Lynn - these ommisions will be marked in red - any other ommisions were removed from the copies i sent to Lynn as i didn't feel she needed to know how much my bill was or my account number and sort code for my bank account. As i cc'd Steve in on the email i sent to Lynn on Monday, i'm hoping that he'll confirm that all the ommisions marked in red were actually included in the email copies....

Anyway, the email -


I've just been talking with Steve over at Gambling Grumbles and he's shown me his report on the mediation of our dispute ( I have to say i'm not sure if you've been mislead by one of your customer service staff or whether you simply didn't check the details of the dispute as there are a large number of glaring errors in your responce to Steve. Either way it's lead to your company receiving some very negative publicity.

I'm going to assume that this has been a case of you having been mis-informed regarding the facts of this case and i'll present the numerous errors you made in your report to Steve in an final attempt to rectify this situation before it goes any further.

Firstly to quote your communication with Steve

"Once the wagering was finally met and the above received we requested a fax back form be sent in which is standard procedure.
Players have to send this in, filled out with their current details and some form of ID to verify their account.
Here is the course of events following this:
The client sent in a form and no other ID. "

This isn't true - i sent you an email on the 27th of July with both the fax back form and my a scan of my passport attached. Both were submitted at exactly the same time and i actually sent them to you as i saw a sign in your cashier saying you required them before any withdrawal, rather than you requesting the form. As proof of this i've attached a screen shot of the sent email addressed to your support called "first id submission" where you can see the thumb nail pictures of both the fax back form and my passport. Alongside this, due to my mis-understanding of your bonus tracking system - the system said i'd completed the wagering, but i've been told this wasn't accurate for the bonus i claimed - the wagering requirement wasn't actually completed at this time and i wasn't infomed of this fact until much later. It's these sort of errors that lead me to believe that someone in your customer service department did not do a good job of informing you of the details of this situation.


Next - "This form was not signed and contained completely different details to which they used to sign up with. They only signed up the day before!!!"

Again this isn't true - i'd signed the form electronically simply because i didn't want to print it out. If i'd realised this made a difference i would have printed it out instead. As to the detail - the only detail on that form that was different was the address. My date of birth, email address, neteller account number were all the same. So all details barring my address were exactly the same. As i've explained previously, i filled in my old address by mistake and this very simple error - especially when you consider that the only real difference between by current and old address is the house number/street name and the street names even begin with the same letter - has been massively blown out of proportion.

After this you say
""We queried this with the client. Informed them that they had not sent in any ID or signed the form and asked them to explain the reason why none of their details matched their account details they used to register. "

This didn't actually happen in that order. The email i received from Luke on the 28th of July simply stated that you required a completed fax back form (screenshot of the email is attached as incomplete verification) and my responce was to ask what was missing off of the form. At this juncture your staff asked me to update the form to include my signature - which i did - include proof of address - so i included my bank statement - and to explain the incorrect address. At no point did your staff tell me i hadn't submitted ID, because i had submitted my passport.


You then stated
"They replied saying it was their old address and asked what difference does it make? "

This is completely untrue - at no juncture did i ever ask "what difference does it make?" or anything even remotely similar and i'm quite happy to provide a complete email transcript of all the conversations i've had with your staff to prove this if you'd like.


"We received a new typed fax back form as requested but the proof of address they sent in was doctored "

The fax back form was signed as you requested, otherwise it was unchanged from the original. As to claiming my bank statement was doctored - that's competely untrue. To prove this, i've included the originally submitted bank statement and a photo of a more recent bank statement that is identical in format to the one originally provided to show that all details are the same. I would have provided a photo of the original but i can't find it at the moment. The only things that were removed from the original submission were the financial information (account number, sort code, BIC/IBAN numbers and transaction details) and i do this every time i submit ID to a casino to prevent identity theft and have never had any complaints about it this practice, with many reputable online casinos advising me that i do this before making any submission to them.



Next you said

"We thus asked the player to fill out the docs by hand and to provide the ID we asked for so we could check signatures.

"The client provided ID - the signatures did not match in the slightest. We queried this and were met with aggression from the player. This seemed again very odd as they provided this info not us."

Again your timeline is somewhat distorted here - firstly you requested proof of address again without ever confirming the receipt of the originally submitted proof of address (see attached file incomplete verification 2) and i was completely polite in my responce and submission. As to the signature, the only difference was that i signed the fax back 'A Garvie' and the passport 'Audrey Garvie'. Alongside this, the passport is now over 7 years old, so no my handwriting is not exactly the same as it was is March 2004! I did not become annoyed until your staff took 5 days to even confirm that you'd received the additional 2 documents i'd submitted on the 3rd of August despite me sending two follow up emails asking your customer support staff to confirm receipt (see file incomplete verification 3). And the reason for my frustration was the failure of your staff to ask for everything they needed at once and failure to send even a basic courtsey reply along the lines of "yes we've got it, we'll get back to you in a few days". If you needed two forms of proof of address and another signature then they could have asked for this all at once rather than doing it one submission at a time and ignoring emails for days.



Next you said

"We requested further proof of address/utility bills. They supplied two. One of these was out of date and the other blank. Both had been clearly doctored and were not acceptable".

Ignoring the obvious error in a document that is both blank and doctored (surely if it was blank there was nothing to doctor?), again i absolutely refute this statement. Firstly neither document was blank - i've attached a screen shot of my email to your customer support staff from the 3rd of August showing the thumb nail pictures of both attachments - incomplete verification 4. Alongside this your staff only asked for one further document and you are right, one of them was a quarterly electricity bill from March. As i wasn't sure if that would be too old i went the extra mile and include another bill - my telephone bill from Virgin Media which was less than a month old at the time. To prove that neither of these documents was doctored i've attached both the original submission and a photo of the original document. As with the bank statement, i have removed sensative information like account numbers and bill amounts.


Now to move beyond all of this, i know that Steve's policy on reports is that if there is a major change in the situation he will update them, so there is room to manover for both of us. If you tell me what you need to verify my identity and address beyond what i have already provided, i will provide it. If you don't feel that there is any action i can take however, i'm affraid - under Steve's advice as my next step - i'll have no choice but to publicise this entire issue on as many message boards as i can find, including all the screen shots and documents i've attached to this email. I know that iNetBet is well thought of within the gambling community and whilst i am very unhappy at the treatment i have received over what was a simple mistake, i genuinely hope that we will be able to resolve this issue and that we can ensure that Steve has reason to amend his report to a positive one. To this end i will wait 48 hours before taking any further action (8pm UK time on Wednesday the 31st of August). If i haven't heard back from you by then, i'll assume that - as with Steve's last email to you - you don't intend to respond.

Audrey G******
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